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Our School Policies will are listed below.
To open or download a Policy, please click the relevant Policy link below to open a PDF version
Common Enrolment Policy 2023/2024
Anti Bullying Policy 2023
Code of Behaviour Policy 2023
Administration of Medicine Policy 2023
R.S.E. Policy 2023
Healthy Eating Policy
Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment 2023
BOM Child Safeguarding Review Notification
Quick Reminders
We have a proud record of very good attendance in the school. However it is very important that you are aware by law all children who are absent for 20 days or more in the school year must be reported to the National Education Welfare Board.
In line with the Department of Education & Skills rules, we would appeal to parents not to arrange family holidays during school terms as this causes disruption to your child’s education.
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or medical appointment, please notify the teacher by writing a short note in his/her school diary or ring the school and the secretary will pass on the message to the teacher.
We welcome contact from parents to avoid worries or misunderstandings, particularly at the start of the year. However, in order to reduce the number of interruptions to the classroom we ask parents to contact the school secretary by phone or in person with messages or forgotten lunches, coats etc.
If you would like to see a teacher, please arrange a meeting through the secretary for a time suitable to both teacher and parent.
Children must remain within school boundaries during the school day. The carrying and the use of mobile phones by children are not permitted and access to the school landline when necessary, is permitted by arrangement.
In the interests of healthy eating and providing a litter free environment some foods are off the lunch box list, e.g. chocolate bars, sweets , peanuts, in favour of sandwiches, fruit etc. Please remind your child to bring home empty cartons in his /her lunch box. Please avoid the use of tinfoil and cling film in lunch boxes in line with the Green Policy.
Buses -
N.B. Please put name tags on coats and especially jumpers/tracksuit tops. As you can appreciate, with so many children it is impossible to match lost jumpers, cardigans etc., to children if not labelled.
Your Child’s Birthday Party – Please do not ask the teacher to distribute your child’s party invitations. The uninvited children don’t understand and it causes unnecessary upset in the classroom. Please do not bring birthday cakes into the classroom as children may be allergic to certain foods.